In yoga we say, ‘If you take a morsel of food, you must chew it twenty-four times.’ There is a lot of science behind this, but essentially, one thing is your food gets pre-digested in your mouth and will not cause dullness in your system. Another thing is, if you chew twenty-four times, the information of that food gets established in your system and every cell in your body will be able to start judging as to what is right and not right for you – not in terms of the tongue but about what is appropriate for the whole system. If you do this for some time, every cell in the body will have the education as to what it likes and does not like.” – Sadhguru
You may find that initially it will be difficult to implement and you may lose awareness about the count. You may naturally tend to gulp the food which is in front of you. If you are talking while you are eating, this will be difficult to implement.
Whatever challenges that come your way, please see how to keep going at it for 1 week. At some point of time you may be able to manage doing it. Please be aware of how you are feeling during the meal and after the meal when you do this experiment.
If you are able to implement this…this small step can bring about a huge change in your life, in your energy levels, your sleep quota, and your overall health and well-being. Please experiment and see! ?